When searching for a licensed insurance agent in Richland Hills, you can start your research by comparing prices online instead of making phone calls. You need a competent insurance agent, but also the lowest rates for auto insurance in Richland Hills.
Companies like State Farm and GEICO all claim big savings, bombarding you with ad campaigns and it can be hard to see through the deception and effectively compare rates to find the best deal.
Best way to find Richland Hills agents
Educated insurance agents can answer important questions and help you file claims. The best thing about comparing insurance prices online is that you can obtain better rates and still choose a local agent.
To find an agent, once you fill out this short form, the coverage information is sent to insurance agents in Richland Hills who will battle for your business. You don’t have to drive around as quotes are delivered to the email address you provide. It doesn’t get any easier!
Choosing a car insurance agent requires more thought than just a cheap price. Any agent should be forthright in answering these questions:
- Do they carry Errors and Omissions coverage?
- Can glass repairs be made at your home?
- If you have an accident, will your rates go up?
- If your car is totalled, how to they determine the replacement cost?
- Does the agency have a good rating with the Better Business Bureau?
- Is their price quote a firm figure or are their hidden costs?
- If they are an independent agency, which companies do they recommend?
Types of insurance agents in Richland Hills
When looking for a reliable agent, you must know there are a couple types of agencies from which to choose. Insurance agencies in Richland Hills are categorized either independent or captive. Both types can write coverage properly, but it’s good to learn the differences because it can influence the type of agent you choose
Captive Agents
These agents can only write with one company like State Farm or Allstate. They usually cannot give you multiple price quotes so always compare other rates. They are well schooled on the products they sell and that can be a competitive advantage. Consumers frequently buy insurance from these agents mostly because of the brand legacy and the convenience of having a single billing for all their coverages.
Shown below are captive agents in Richland Hills who may provide you with price quotes.
- Farmers Insurance Group – 3401 Booth Calloway Rd – Richland Hills, TX 76118 – (817) 284-1466
Independent Insurance Agents
Independent insurance agents do not work for one specific company but instead can place your coverage with many different companies and potentially find a lower price. If you are not satisfied with one company, your agent can switch companies and that require little work on your part.
When shopping rates, it’s recommended you get quotes from at least one independent agent for the best price selection. They also have the ability to place coverage with lesser-known insurance companies which can save you money.
The following is a short list of independent agencies in Richland Hills that can give you price quote information.
- All About Insurance – 7716 Glenview Dr – Richland Hills, TX 76180 – (817) 589-0006
- Grant Insurance – 4146 Willman Ave – Richland Hills, TX 76180 – (817) 284-9397
- Frank Durland Agency – 3401 Booth Calloway Rd – Richland Hills, TX 76118 – (817) 284-2101
- MOA Metro General Agency – 6518 Baker Blvd – Richland Hills, TX 76118 – (817) 589-2401
For a complete listing of licensed insurance agents in Richland Hills, visit this site.
Once you have received good answers to your questions and a good coverage price, it’s possible that you found a car insurance agent that meets your needs to adequately provide auto insurance.
Online companies should also be compared
Licensed agents can be invaluable at times, but you also have the option of buying Texas car insurance direct online. Certain auto insurance companies who have local Richland Hills agents also let you get a quote and buy online, so that should be considered if the lowest rate is your goal.
If you’re worried about not having an insurance agent’s advice when shopping online, that is quite common when buying online the first time. Auto insurance companies that require consumers to choose their own coverages all have client service departments to answer your questions. They also offer live help and 24/7 access so buying online is not difficult.
If the best price is important to you, the most effective way to determine whether online companies or local agents have lower rates is to get rates from both and compare them. You can actually get different rates from the SAME company when comparing online quotes to a quote from an agent.
Do online companies provide lower prices? It’s hard to say exactly since there are many things that influence your rates. Common logic is that a customer who purchases direcly from an online company cuts out the middleman. But the reality is the cost of constant advertising is expensive and that can cost more than having to pay agents.
Final thoughts
While you’re price shopping online, make sure you don’t sacrifice coverage to reduce premiums. In too many instances, someone sacrificed collision coverage and found out when filing a claim that the small savings ended up costing them much more. The ultimate goal is to buy enough coverage for the lowest price while still protecting your assets.
People leave their current company for any number of reasons including high rates after DUI convictions, policy non-renewal, being labeled a high risk driver or even delays in responding to claim requests. Whatever your reason, finding a new company can be pretty painless.
More information about auto insurance
More tips and info about auto insurance is located at the Texas Department of Insurance website. Visitors are able to learn about specific coverages, discover disciplinary actions, read state legal mandates and laws, and download brochures.