When buying car insurance in Luling, selecting the best Luling car insurance agent for your needs is not as easy as just driving to the closest agent’s office. Consumers require a decent agent, but also affordable rates.
Having so many choices of insurance companies, it is hard for the average consumer to pick the lowest cost insurance company.
Quote online but still have a local agent
Professional agents are trained to spot inefficiencies and give you someone to call. The biggest benefit of comparing insurance prices online is you can get better rates and still have an agent to talk to.
After completing this form (opens in new window), the coverage information is immediately sent to local insurance agents who will give you bids to get your business. You never need to drive around because quoted prices will be sent immediately to your email address. How’s that for easy! You can find better rates AND an agent nearby.
Selecting an auto insurance agent needs to be determined by more than just the bottom line cost. Here are some questions to ask:
- Are there any hidden costs in their price quote and does it include driving and credit history?
- Do they assist clients in filing claims?
- If you have an accident, will your rates go up?
- Can glass repairs be made at your home?
- Are you getting all the discounts the company offers?
- How are they compensated?
Captive and independent Luling auto insurance agents
If you’re trying to find a reliable agent, you need to know there are two different types of agents to choose from. Agents can either be independent or captive.
Captive Insurance Agents
Captive agents can only write with one company and examples are Farmers Insurance, American Family, State Farm and Allstate. Captives cannot compare other company’s rates so always compare other rates. These agents are usually quite knowledgeable on the products they sell which can be an advantage. Consumers often purchase coverage from captives mostly because of the prominence of the brand and the convenience of having a single billing for all their coverages.
Independent Agents (or Brokers)
Independent agencies are not required to write business for one company but instead can place your coverage with multiple insurance companies and potentially find a lower price. If you are not satisfied with one company, the business is moved internally without you having to go to a different agency.
When comparison shopping, it’s recommended you contact at a minimum one independent agency to have the most options to choose from. They also have the ability to place coverage with smaller companies who may have lower rates.
The following are independent insurance agents in Luling that are able to give rate quotes.
- Carter and Co Insurance – 522 E Crockett St – Luling, TX 78648 – (830) 875-3164
- Gieser Insurance – 522 E Pierce St – Luling, TX 78648 – (830) 875-3546
To view a full list of Luling insurance agents, please go to this site.
After receiving satisfactory answers to your questions in addition to an acceptable price estimate, chances are good that you have found a car insurance agent that meets your needs to provide car insurance coverage.
Isn’t it cheaper to buy direct online?
Auto insurance agents are important, but Texas consumers also have the option to buy direct from companies online. Even companies like State Farm and Allstate who sell through the agent channel also give you the option to get quotes and purchase online, and consumers should do that as an alternative to contacting agents.
If you’re apprehensive about choosing your own coverages, that is quite common when buying online the first time. Car insurance companies that require consumers to choose their own coverages all have client service departments to help you decide which coverages are appropriate. Also available are help pages and frequently asked questions to make it easier to purchase.
The best way to determine if car insurance prices are lower online or from agents is comparing rate quotes from both. You can actually get different rates from insurance agents and online quoting for the same auto insurance company. You won’t discover whether online or agents have the lower rates unless you actually compare identical quotes utilizing both methods.
Will buying online save you money? It’s difficult to provide an answer since there are so many components which can raise or lower premium rates. Some people will tell you that buying direct cuts out the middleman. But the fact is, advertising budgets are huge so the rates may be similar to buying from an agent.
More tips and info about car insurance can be found at the Texas Department of Insurance website. Texas drivers can find out industry alerts, file complaints about an insurance agent or broker, get help finding coverage, and find a variety of consumer forms.
One last thing
Drivers who switch companies do it for many reasons like extreme rates for teen drivers, an unsatisfactory settlement offer, delays in paying claims or even questionable increases in premium. It doesn’t matter why you want to switch switching car insurance companies is pretty simple and you could end up saving a buck or two.
When shopping online for car insurance, do not reduce coverage to reduce premium. In many instances, drivers have reduced comprehensive coverage or liability limits only to discover later that it was a big mistake. Your goal should be to buy the best coverage you can find for the lowest price.